Martin Rokeach, Composer
Nunca Olvida (Never Forget) mezzo-soprano and guitar
Poema en Forma de Canciones
Ramòn Maria de las Mercedes de Campoamor y Campoosorio (1817-1901)
Nunca olvida
Ya que este mundo abandono
antes de dar cuenta a Dios,
aquí para entre los dos
mi confesión te diré.
Con toda el alma
perdono hasta a los que siempre he odiado.
A ti que tanto te he amado
nunca te perdonaré
Never forget
Since I am leaving this world,
And before I give my account to the Lord,
I will confess to you,
Here, between the two of us.
With all my soul I forgive those
Whom I have always hated.
You, whom I have deeply loved,
I will never forgive.
[public domain]
Click here to listen/watch Jessica Bowers and Oren Fader perform Nunca Olvida at Sacramento State University's Festival of new American Music;
November 2019. Duration 4'
Program notes
The smoldering, high-intensity theme of Nunca Olvida (never forget): Sometimes it's easier to forgive those you hate than those you love. MR